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Wednesday, December 31, 2008♥

let mi post bout yesterdae..
yesterdae morning bout11am went out..
coz i goin KKH 4 checkup..
reach there bout 11.30am..
then wait 4 my turn..
wait till bout 12+ reaching 1pm..
was damn sian sia..
then i went 2 c e doc..
e doc say i ok le..
then discharge mi =)
so happi=)
but he gave mi some medicine n said if my stomach veri pain mus go A&E immediately..
then i went 2 pharmacy 2 take medicine..
wait bout 15 mins..
then went hme...
reach hme bout 2plus..
tats all 4 yesterdae=)
oh ya..
thk da gu ma 4 ur concern n care 4 mi all tis while=)
thk u=)

[8:41 PM]

Friday, December 26, 2008♥

2dae afternoon went OG wif nainai n yani..
coz wan but sch bag n shoes..
then buy a bag..
but cnt find shoes..
then we go eat 1st..
after tat went ppl park complex walk walk..
then found sch shoes le..
e shope keeper is a guy..
quite handsomen oso veri funni=)
after tat mi,nainai n yani take cab hme..
reach hme bout 6+
tats all 4 2dae=)

[8:05 PM]

Sunday, December 21, 2008♥

2dae afternoon went 3rd floor..
coz gt e christmas carnival..
then we ve quite alot of fun...
playing games n win alot of prizes=)
then 5o'clock they give out e dinner..
a bento set =)
quite nice 2 eat..
then bout 5.30pm ..
gt lucky draw =)
almost all of e num tat win start wif 0 or 2...
then i started scolding ...
n after tat i win e lucky draw n gt a $10 NTUC voucher=)
then went bck hme after tat =)
tats all 4 2dae =)
will post till here..

[7:16 PM]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008♥




n 2 YAAAA.....

pls MYOB =)

dun b so kaypo

[12:53 PM]

lets mi post bout yesterdae..
yesterdae afternoon went tiong wif nainai,huihui n yani =)
jus went we were bout 2 go..
da gu ma called us...
say wan bring up abalone 4 us..
then when she came pass 2 us liao..
n say wan drive us 2 tiong..
then we reach tiong liao lor..
thk da gu ma n da gu zhang=)
then we shop till 5plus..
then go hme...
reach hme bout 6pm..
after tat 7pm..
i n dad went 2 c yi yan...
then went hme bout 9pm???
tats all 4 yesterdae=)

[12:41 PM]

Saturday, December 13, 2008♥

Bride n Bridegroom=)
I noe i very zi lian..

mi n hui getting ready 4 dinner=)

yesterdae nite went wedding dinner...
reach there bout 8pm..
coz no taxi..
then we on call taxi..
dun ask mi y we so late go out..
coz of someone..
if nt we 6plus will go out le..
e hotel quite big sia..
i nvr take photo of there coz 2 dark..
cnt c..
then when we reach there ...
i cnt find e place..
then call gu gong ...
then gu gong bring us in...
thk gu gong=)
after tat ..
i went downstairs brought er gu ma n 2 jiejie 2 e place =)
then went e dinner tat x ..
1st was quite boring..
but after tat gt some entertainment...
then nt so boring le...
e dinner end bout 11 plus..
then biao yi n biao yi zhang drive us hme..
thk biao yi n biao yi zhang =)
n biao yi ..thk 4 e present =)
reach hme bout 11 plus too but almost 12am..
tats 4 yesterdae..
As 4 2dae..
nth 2 post..
coz sick...stay at hme=(

Congrats 2 biao shu n biao siao=)
hope ur lurve will be everlasting=)

[7:29 PM]

Thursday, December 11, 2008♥

then 2dae afternoon went 2 print photo..
then on my way bck..
saw ppl distributing newspapers ..
then i go take..
coz nainai like 2 c...
then e stupid person say ' Where is ur mum...ask ur mum cum..then cn take..'
when i hear tis ..
i was damn ..........
everything oso mother mother mother mother mother....
mothers r asshole...idiotic..
take newspaper oso nid mother..
nid ic onli !!!
tink we children easy 2 bully ar !!!!

Everything oso

mother mother mother..

mother so wat..

very big arh...


go die la...

y r adults all e same


To the newspaper gal:

I no mother cn..

she die liao..

nid u care ....

Everything oso mother mother..

take newspaper oso nid mother


u nid ic a nt?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[1:37 PM]

time 2 post again...
yesterdae morning went sch buy book..
go huihui sch 1st..
then go my sch buy book...
after tat went hme..
then during afternoon xueli jiejie came..
n we gt lots of fun =)
alot of laughter..
tas 4 yesterdae

[1:34 PM]

Monday, December 8, 2008♥

yesterdae nvr post coz reach hme bout 10 plus reaching 11pm..
coz yesterdae went Mediacorp 2 watch super mummy...
wen out bout 4.20pm..
go eunos mit er gu ma n pingping jiejie n xueli jiejie....
then walk walk a while..
then er gu ma buy mi a t-shirt..
thk er gu ma..
after tat we went interchange n take bus 93 2 mediacorp..
bout 6 plus we reach there..
n wait 4 nainai , huihui ,yani , popo n popo 2 grand daughters..
then we go n queue up 2 go in2 e theatre...
bout 7 plus we were in e theatre..
hp was 2 on silent mode ...
no camera n video..
all craps =)
then inside e theatre wait till 8pm then e show start...
if u were there..
ur ears will be deaf..
coz of e cheers n shouting..
it is damn loud man=)
we had alot of fun in e theatre..
there is lot of things happening in e theatre..
during commercial breaks n before e show start..
those things onli happen during e break..
which cnt c during e time when e show started..
hope 2 go there again =)
sry ar ..
no photos taken coz cnt use hp n camera=)

[3:13 PM]

Thursday, December 4, 2008♥

sry...so long nvr post..
coz nth 2 post..
onli everydae stay at hme doin spring cleaning..
then 2dae afternoon after spring cleaning...
i went tiong popular wif yani..
coz wan buy some things..
then went hme after tat..
tats all i wan 2 post 4 2dae ..

[7:51 PM]

Monday, December 1, 2008♥

Tis photos r e photos taken during my bdae=)

hi..i am bck again..
2dae morning went tg pg plaza mrt 2 wait 4 er gu zhang..
coz wan take e bag n meimei clothes...
thk er gu ma 4 buying mi e sling bag =)
after tat went andrew uncle shop 2 top up my hp card..
then afternoon went 2 find zi yan gorgor..
coz want pass letter 2 him...
then on my way hme..
suddenly big rain..
but heng ar..
i am nt drenched =)

I will post till here..

I feel tat i very stupid n fuuni lor..
c show..
c untill cry..

[9:02 PM]




Name:Crescent yeo


Insufficient Love - Raymond Lam

Sum Ling (心領) - Raymond Lam, Linda Chung

無心害你 - 關菊英

漫步人生路 - 米雪 Michelle Yim 关菊英 Susanna Kwan 李司棋 Louise Li

Speechless (讲不出声) - Suzanna Kwan
Escape ♥

Felicia Chin
Michelle Yim Mai Shuet
friend friend friend friend friend friend friend


Designer : x x